Noe Gonzalez, Director

Master of Business Administration, Washington State University, WA.

Noe has had a rewarding career working with underrepresented students in higher education for over a triennial. He has moved around throughout his lifetime, born and raised in Southern California where he later moved to Idaho and participated in various educational and social development projects and then making his way home to Oregon.

Phone: 541-881-5534


Jennifer Valdivia, Department Assistant

Jennifer was born in California, but had to move often as her father was an agricultural worker who followed the work. They finally settled in Oregon when she was 16 years of age, where she has lived to this day. She now works to help families who are in similar situations as she was growing up.

Phone: 541-881-5508


Linda Cisneros, Advisor and Retention Specialist

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Professional Studies, Boise State University, ID.

Linda Cisneros was born in Ontario, Oregon and was raised in Fruitland, Idaho. She began her college education by attending Treasure Valley Community College. She is the first one in her family to earn a Bachelor’s degree and to graduate from a University. Currently, she is working towards earning her Master of Science in Management and Leadership. She has been working in Malheur County for seven years, where she worked closely with the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworking community. Now, in her new role as the CAMP Advisor/ Retention Specialist, she will be able to serve the same MSFW community, just in a different area of need. Linda describes her work as generally comprised of motivating and encouraging first-generation college students to stay in school and to continue striving for success. She is proud of her Mexican roots and proud to be an educated Latina woman.

Phone: 541-881-5966


Raul Isaac Villanueva, CAMP Recruiter

Raul grew up in Wilder, Idaho where he was surrounded by agricultural work. He cherished the community as he saw the hard work everyone put for a better future for themselves and their family. This helped him by motivating him to do the same and pushed him to do more. Now, he works as the CAMP Recruiter with the hopes to give back to his community and help others achieve a brighter future.

Phone: 541-881-5933


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